
Newsletter - Newsletter 05/12/2016


05 de Dezembro 2016


CALL FOR PAPERS – SPECIAL ISSUE: Training Models and Practices in Sociology

Societies is pleased to announce that, until June 30, there is a call for original manuscripts (whether in the form of original research, systematic reviews, theoretical papers or even grounded personal comments) on Training Models and Practices in Sociology, and their impact focuses on how to teach Sociology (either as introduction or general, or in its specialties), to publish in Societies (Indexed by ESCI-Web of Science).

To this end, the topics to be addressed, while not being limited to them, may focus on Sociology teaching practices at different educational levels, the specific contribution of the learning of Sociology for a sounder support in training in Sociology, and also in other scientific areas, and the legitimacy and prestige/representations of Sociology (or their lack thereof) in academia.

This special issue will be coordinated by Sandro Serpa (Department of Sociology, University of Azores, and Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.UAc/CICS.NOVA, Portugal) and by Carlos Miguel Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, and Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA, Portugal).

Please visit the Societies’ website for further information:

You may also contact the coordinators of this Societies’ issue: Sandro Serpa ( or Carlos Miguel Ferreira ( | |
CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais
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