Os Seminários de Escrita Académica são uma iniciativa do CICS.NOVA orientada sobretudo para estudantes de doutoramento, dinamizada por Karl Bruckmeier, que será realizada em duas sessões: 22 de Novembro e 29 de Novembro. 

Os Seminários são gratuitos, mas as inscrições são obrigatórias e estão abertas até 16 de Novembro. É possível participar apenas em um ou em ambos os workshops. Faça a sua inscrição aqui.


Seminar 1: November 22, 2021, 16.00-18.00
Main principles of scientific writing (Professor Karl Bruckmeier)

The seminar about principles of scientific writing informs about the globalisation of science – how the international scientific community changed since the 20th century, and the changing practices of scientific research, writing, and publication. The following themes are discussed: scientific writing – definitions and descriptions; principles of scientific writing – competing principles and rules; writing a PhD-thesis and articles in scientific journals – changing forms and rules; conclusions from the discussion of writing problems.

Seminar 2: November 29, 2021, 16.00-18.00
Ethics of scientific writing and research (Professor Karl Bruckmeier)

The seminar is about the ethical questions of scientific writing and publishing: what you should know about scientific rules of writing and publishing, the rights and obligations of scientific authors in the situation of globalizing science and research. Information is given about quality and other criteria of scientific writing, author rights and publication processes, individual and co-authorship, scientific honesty and plagiarism, what it means to be forced to publish in the scientific community, and new problems of scientific writing that come up with the internet and online-publications.

The main audience for these seminars are CICS.NOVA PhD students, but they are open to other researchers if vacancies remain. After registration closes (16 November), you will receive an email informing you if you have a place in the seminar. The seminars will take place in person in English at NOVA FCSH (Colégio Almada Negreiros), Auditorium 102.