As we confront the intertwined crises of climate change, economic instability, and geopolitical turmoil, the vulnerable situations in which children find themselves in are ever more evident. This year, the 3rd CFJ-EN Annual Seminar, organised in partnership with Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) and CICS.NOVA, and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will explore how climate change places structural pressures on justice systems which should be designed to respect the rights of children. Specifically, it will look at how strategic climate litigation and enforcing children’s right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly can help guarantee their access to justice within the context of the climate crisis.
By bringing together academia, practitioners, and policymakers, we will foster dialogue and exchange knowledge on transforming justice systems to better meet the needs and rights of children. This event sets the stage for the upcoming World Congress on Justice with Children in June 2025 and builds on key recommendations from Terre des Hommes’ 2023 report, “Climate In-justice for Children: How climate crisis affects access to justice and children’s rights.“
Join us as we look towards a just future where all children can thrive despite the challenges of our changing world.
1/ Impact Litigation and Children’s Access to Justice
How can strategic litigation be employed as a tool to ensure access to justice for children whose environmental rights have been violated?
How do we ensure access to justice and child-friendly legal assistance for children, especially those who are displaced or migrate due to environmental issues?
2 / Children’s Rights to Free Assembly
What can we do to ensure children are free to meet, campaign and protest on climate-related topics, without fear of legal reprisals?
In what way are states obligated to create an enabling environment for children acting as human rights defenders in environmental cases?
3 / Climate Change and Child Justice Systems
What type of data exist on the impact of environmental issues on law enforcement for children? What existing data can we collect from child justice systems?
What are the current challenges and responses to the impact of climate change on child justice systems, and how can we implement child-friendly standards?
What is the impact of climate change on children deprived of liberty, including in criminal and administrative settings? To what extent are non-custodial measures for children envisaged in an adverse climate?
How can public, private and third-sector organisations help child justice systems better address climate change issues in legal proceedings involving children?
4 / Climate Change and Crimes committed by and affecting Children
Does climate change impact child-related crimes? What adaptations are necessary in justice systems to address these changes?
To what extent does climate change constitute a structural driver of violence against children and criminal activity among young people?
What are effective ways in which children can participate in decision-making processes to inform crime prevention strategies, in the context of social and urban changes generated by environmental degradation and climate change?
Currently, how are legal systems respecting and addressing the diversity of children affected by climate change? Are they applying principles of non-discrimination? Do current approaches address the needs of all children, or just certain groups?
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