FCT application period: from 30 September 2024 to 29 November 2024 at 17.00 (Lisbon time).
The Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA welcomes applications to the 6th Edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus – CEEC Individual – as Host Research Unit, in the following fields of research:
- Inequalities, Citizenship and Gender
- Organisations, Work and Employment
- Urban and Territorial Dynamics
- Sustainability and Socio-Ecological Systems
- Health, Population and Well-being
- Education, Science and Culture
Applications should be sent to cicsnova@fcsh.unl.pt with the subject “7th Edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus” and should include:
- The level to which you are applying (Junior or Assistant);
- Research areas to which you are applying (according to those indicated above);
- Summary of the suggested work plan (max. 5000 characters) (including Background; Research plan and methods; Expected outcomes);
- Motivation letter explaining your trajectory in the last five years and the relevance of your achievements (max. 5000 characters) (not applicable to CICS.NOVA integrated researchers);
- A detailed Curriculum Vitae.
- Copy of one relevant publication.
To assist applicants, CICS.NOVA offers a range of supporting activities to clarify doubts, share experiences and discuss proposals.
The session schedule will be shared shortly.