01 January 2022 - 31 December 2025Research Group
5: Health, Population and Well-beingResearchers not belonging to CICS.NOVA
Maria dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe; Catarina Cardoso TomásApplicant Entity
IPLeiriaFunding Entity
Erasmus +Partnerships
Universidade de Burgos;
Bjäland Technologies SL;
Colégio Oficial de Psicologia de Castilla y León (Espanha);
Euroform RFS (Itália);
Politécnico de Leiria (Portugal).
The project 360 REWIN aims to have an impact on the migrant women inclusion by developing, disseminate best practices and guidelines, and training professionals so they can identify and manage correctly as soon as possible women who have suffered gender-based violence, within the migrant population with a deep cultural bias . We also plan an inclusive intervention thought VLP, to assist directly immigrant women and their familiar and social environment, with a self-assisted and self-managed training about violence against women.