By choosing “Circular Economy, Urban Metabolism and Regional Development: Challenges for a Sustainable Future” as the central theme of the 25th APDR Congress, we intend to go deeper into these issues and discuss examples of best practices.
The Congress will include a Policy Forum, Plenary Sessions, Special Sessions, Conferences and Round Tables, Workshops and Parallel Sessions. Moreover, the Parallel Sessions will comprise: (i) communications submitted to Regular Sessions (RS) and proposed by the organization; (ii) communications submitted to Special Sessions (SS) and proposed by participants, apart from discussion topics included in workshops proposed by the participants.
The communications presented at the 25th APDR Congress may be published in the Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER), on top of the publication in the Congress proceedings. Thus, interested authors should submit their manuscripts, even if they are revised versions of the work presented at the Congress. There is no deadline for this submission. The texts must be formatted according to the RPER publication standards (see http://www.apdr.pt/siteRPER/PT/submeter.html). The decision of acceptance will follow the common standards, being based on independent external evaluation (peer-reviewing).
Organizing Committee:
- José Afonso Teixeira, FCSH-UNL, CICS.NOVA (Local Organizer Chair)
- Emily Lange, CICS.NOVA
- Margarida Pereira, FCSH-UNL, CICS.NOVA
- Maria Dulce Pimentel, FCSH-UNL, CICS.NOVA
- Fernando Ribeiro Martins, FCSH-UNL, CICS.NOVA
- José Manuel Lúcio, FCSH-UNL, CICS.NOVA