A quarta sessão das Oficinas de Mestrado e Doutoramento do Grupo de Investigação 3: Cidades, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional será realizada no dia 14 de Junho, a partir das 14h30, através da plataforma Zoom.
Nesta sessão, será apresentado o trabalho de Fatma Özdemir (Estudante de Doutoramento Erasmus, Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional)
Link Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/82733069506?pwd=U2FZeDBObExCbktWV1hOVy92MHNyZz09
ID da reunião: 827 3306 9506
Senha de acesso: 541448
Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey
Fatma Özdemir
Resumo: Following the demonstrations against the Syrian government that broke out in March 2011, which later got out of control and gradually turned into a civil war engulfing the whole of Syria, the sorrows of the Syrians who tried to take shelter in neighboring countries to save their lives has continued for more than ten years. According to the UNHCR 2020 Global Trends report, the number of forcibly displaced persons in Syria, which had a population of 22.5 million in 2011, was 13.5 million in total. Of this number, 6.8 million Syrians were forcibly displaced abroad, while 6.7 million were internally displaced. Today, more than 80% of Syrians live in neighboring countries in the region, especially in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. About 15% of the Syrians took refuge in Europe, especially in Germany and Sweden. It is quite difficult to speak clearly about how the process in Syria will continue. Changes are observed in the opportunities, motivations, and tendencies of Syrians who have to leave their countries to return to their countries, both in terms of the current situation in Syria and the life they have established in the countries they live in. This situation reveals the necessity of making concrete plans and developing sound practices in the social, economic, political, and security fields of the countries where Syrian refugees are concentrated, especially in Turkey. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, describes the events in Syria as “the greatest humanitarian and refugee crisis of our time”. One of the most impacted by this great crisis in Turkey, which has a 911 km border with Syria. The first mass population movement from Syria to Turkey started with a group of 252 people from the Cilvegözü border gate in the Yaylada?? district of Hatay province on 29 April 2011, after which the influx of Syrian refugees to Turkey continued dramatically until 2017. Given “temporary protection” status by the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Migration Management (DGMM), it was announced that their number increased to 3,641,370 as of 31 December 2020. Despite the naturalization and voluntary repatriation, the increasing trend in the number of Syrians which constitutes approximately 4.38 % of the population, continues, albeit at a slower pace compared to previous years, due to the natural increase in population (births). The number of Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey increased significantly between 2011 and 2017, then stabilized in the 3.5-3.7 million band. In the same period, there has been a significant increase in the number of people under international protection. Considering that the number of “International Protection status holders” and “International Protection applicants” in Turkey in 2011 was just 58,018, the striking change leading to Turkey becoming the country with the highest number of “refugees” in the world since 2014, can truly be observed. In UNHCR’s Global Trends-2020 study, 6.7 million Syrian refugees who had to flee their country live in 126 different countries. The same source also points out that 83% of Syrians live in neighboring countries. As of 07 April 2022, the number of Syrians in Turkey is 3 million 761 thousand 267 people. Of these, 50,736 people live in Temporary Refugee Centers in 5 provinces, while 3 million 710 thousand 531 people live outside of the Temporary Refugee Centers.
Consulte aqui as sessões anteriores das Oficinas de Mestrado e Doutoramento do Grupo de Investigação 3: Cidades, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional:
Sónia Nobre – Women’s homelessness and housing exclusion in the Northern Lisbon Metropolitan Area: An in-depth exploratory study
Nuno André Patrício – A agenda urbana ‘participacionista’ da América do Sul para o Sul de Europa: Diálogos no ressurgimento de práticas arquitetónicas e urbanas no pós-crise de 2008
Henrique Cerqueira – Mitigação e Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas em Ecossistemas Mediterrâneos: Solo, Clima e Sociedades
Cristian Emanuel Adorean – Governança da Mobilidade Urbana do Futuro: Oportunidades e Desafios da Micromobilidade Elétrica. Estudos de caso: Lisboa, Cluj-Napoca e Madrid
Maria João Horta Parreira – Social Innovation for rural young entrepreneurship: an assessment model to boost territorial cohesion through knowledge exchange and tailored place-based policies
José Rafael Soares – O longo caminho para a depuração: estratégias de vigilância e combate à poluição industrial na Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Ave (1892-1941)