2 de Maio | 14h
No próximo dia 2 de Maio, pelas 14h, o CICS.NOVA recebe o Professor Imre Kovách (Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence) que irá apresentar o seminário intitulado “New generations in food production. New entrants into farming, successors of land, and newcomers in rural places”.
A sessão decorrerá em formato híbrido, na Sala CAN SC do Colégio Almada Negreiros e com transmissão Zoom.
Link do Zoom https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88381686081?pwd=ZktRdHZ5TTdZMktHNk5GeGhFTjFVdz09
ID da reunião: 883 8168 6081
Senha de acesso: 992018
The presentation is based on results from the European research project Ruralisation about a new generation of farmers who start farming from different social backgrounds and with different ideas. The theme is part of contrasting processes influencing rural development in Central-Eastern Europe and other European countries. The presentation follows the debates in rural sociology about de-peasantisation, re-peasantisation (van der Ploeg), sustainable agriculture, bio-production and precision farming (Jehlicka), and the critique of Jelicka (Kovách, Megyesi, Gorlach).
Organização: Iva Pires e Cecília Delgado (CICS.NOVA), Cristina Amaro da Costa e Inês Costa Pereira, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu & CERNAS – IPV
Com o apoio de Maria João Horta (Human Ecology PhD student)