No âmbito da Cátedra Santander 2019, o Professor Karl Bruckmeier vai fazer uma conferência sobre The cities of the future: urbanisation under the influence of climate change and sea level rise. A conferência, aberta a todos os interessados, irá decorrer no dia 5 de novembro de 2019, no Aud. 1 (TB), da NOVA FCSH (Av. de Berna, 26C).
Breve nota biográfica:
Karl Bruckmeier was born in Germany. He studied sociology, economics and philosophy at the Free University Berlin (1972-1977), Psychology at the Technical University Braunschweig and Free University Berlin (1977-1980) and got a Diploma in sociology 1977, from the Free University Berlin.
He was a researcher and lecturer in sociology, at the Free University Berlin (1978-1985), researcher and lecturer in sociology at the Science Centre Berlin, Katalyse Institute, Cologne, and the Free University Berlin (1986-1996), professor in human ecology, of the University of Gothenburg (2007-2013) and since 2011 until his retirement as an Emeritus Professor he was a professor at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics, NRU-HSE Moscow, Russia.
His most recent books:
– Global Environmental Governance, Social-Ecological Perspectives, 2019, Palgrave MacMillan, UK.
– Social-Ecological Transformation: Reconnecting Society and Nature, 2016, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.