Extended deadline for expressions of interest (CICS.NOVA): July 15, 2024
Deadline (EC): September 11, 2024
Host Institution: Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA

The Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA – welcomes applications for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF-2024), as the host institution, intended for researchers interested in developing their research in the following main areas:
1.    Inequalities, Citizenship and Gender
2.    Organisations, Work and Employment
3.    Urban and Territorial Dynamics
4.    Sustainability and Socio-Ecological Systems
5.    Health, Population and Well-being
6.    Education, Science and Culture

We welcome applications in the categories of Individual Fellowships, including European Fellowships, Global Fellowships, Career Restart Panel, and Reintegration Panel. Applicants with a relevant background in obtaining funding for their research activities are especially welcome.

CICS.NOVA and the Research Support Office have been preparing a set of initiatives to support your applications. Support materials and recording of previous sessions that have already taken place can be shared with the prospect candidates.

Check the list of available supervisors interested here. We may also help you find other supervisors related to your research interests.

To apply, please send us, the title and summary of the work plan and a detailed curriculum vitae to cicsnova@fcsh.unl.pt until July 15, 2024.

For further information please contact Inês Vicente via the e-mail cicsnova@fcsh.unl.pt.