01 Janeiro 2022 - 31 Dezembro 2026Grupo de Investigação
2: Organizações, Trabalho e EmpregoEntidade Proponente
UAcEntidade Financiadora
To identify and quantify the socioeconomic contributions of CCIs and their social and economic spill-overs in non-urban regions across Europe.
To elaborate the roles of place-based evolution and related activities in the trajectories and sustainable development of CCIs in peripheral places.
To assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on CCIs in non-urban regions.
To identify the innovation potential of CCIs based in non-urban areas of the EU and how CCIs act as drivers of innovation in other economic and social sectors.
To examine the needs and resources of CCI actors in six selected non-urban areas.
To monitor the development of 12 place-based CCI projects that embody creative responses to social, political, and environmental issues.
To design and implement a specific programme to foster cross-sectoral connections and horizontal networks, to build new skills and capacities, and to mentor new entrepreneurial social and business models and innovation among CCIs in six selected non-urban areas.
To assess how CCIs and cultural policies in certain places can be aligned with innovation policies and S3 (smart development) policies for non-urban regions.
To identify possibilities and potentials for future growth of CCIs in non-urban regions across Europe, and provide strategic policy recommendations for enabling this development.