Activities aimed at the general public


COVID-19 Social Sciences Lab: Pandemic times in the light of social sciences. This new platform, hosted by CICS.NOVA, emerges as a response to the profound changes in our societies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here you will find CICS.NOVA researchers featured in the media (CICS.NOVA in the media), reflective texts and videos (Reflections during times of pandemic) and online events.

Find the platform here.


NOVA FCSH Summer School 2020 will have the participation of CICS.NOVA researchers. "Computer-Assisted Content Analysis: Atlas.Ti and Maxqda" is the course proposed by Sílvia Almeida, taking place between 6 July until 11 July. Rui Pedro Julião coordinates the course "Applications of Sig in Open Source – QGIS – Introduction", taking place from 7 July until 17 July. Zília Osório de Castro and Isabel de Jesus present the course "Women and Rights", taking place from 24 August until 2 September.

Find more information on these and other courses offered by the Summer School 2020 here.


International Conference on Night Studies. This conference was co-organized by CICS.NOVA researcher Jordi Nofre and consists in an international event that aims to echo frontier research, artistic works and professional practices related to the study of the urban night in multiple contexts around the world.

Find more information on this event here.


Mário Santos, CICS.NOVA researcher, participated in the 2nd Caring Discourse with the communication "Metaphors as communication devices in infertility care and assisted reproductive technologies in Portugal", signed in co-authorship with Catarina Delaunay and Luís Gouveia. Its main goal was presenting some preliminary results of the ETHICHO project.

Watch the full presentation here.


The project A-Place, with the participation of the CICS.NOVA researcher Patrícia Pereira, organized "A Confined Place". It is a hub for sharing experiences and reflections on the ways of living and transforming confined spaces in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic crisis, using texts, drawings, photographs, audiovisual works and performances.

Learn more about the project and how to participate here.


José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro, researcher at CICS.NOVA.UMinho is the commissioner of the exhibition "1820. Porto Liberal Revolution". The exhibition on the 200 years of the Liberal Revolution in Porto was inaugurated in February at Casa do Infante, in Porto, and will be on display until September.

Learn more about the exhibition here.


I Care Integration Conference: The Contribution of Research. The 1st Conference on Care Integration will take place on March 12, 2020, at the Rectorate of NOVA University in Lisbon, under the theme "The Contribution of Research". The conference, organized by the group NOVAsaúde Integrated Care, has the participation of Helena Serra and Sónia Dias, researchers of CICS.NOVA and members of the NOVAhealth network.

Find the program here.


International Conference "Seeing/Reviewing Women's Writing (1926-1974)". The International Conference will take place on March 5 and 6, 2020, at the Colégio Almada Negreiros - Campus de Campolide. It is promoted by the project "Portuguese Women Writers in the Times of the Military Dictatorship and the New State", financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and with the participation of researchers from CICS.NOVA.

Find its poster here.


Book launch “Africanos dos PALOP no distrito de Braga – Condições objetivas de vida, identidades e relações interétnicas”, by Manuel Carlos SilvaOn the 21st February 2020, at Colégio Almada Negreiros, was presented the new book of the CICS.NOVA integrated researcher Manuel Carlos Silva. Presenting the book were Mamadou Ba, leader of SOS Racismo and José Carlos Marques, integrated researcher of CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria.

Find the book here.


Conference "Conducting research with virtual reality and robots in the Social Sciences". CICS.NOVA.UAçores organizes the conference "Conducting research with virtual reality and robots in the Social Sciences", on February 26th, presented by Laura Aymerich-Franch, researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. 

Access the program here.


Feeding Good Practices: from Production to Sustainable Consumption 2020. Coordinated by the integrated researcher Cecilia Delgado, this e-book was the result of a partnership between CICS.NOVA, Quercus and the national platform "Feeding Sustainable Cities" and co-financed by the European Commission through the Project Make Europe Sustainable for All - Project Europe in the World.

Find the e-book here


Conference "A New Vision for Europe: System Change and Sustainability". This event was organized by CICS.NOVA, Future Planet Europe and Prout Research Institute of Portugal on 28 and 29 February 2020 and aims to be a space for discussion on the economic and environmental challenges facing Europe.

Find more information about this conference here.


5th National Meeting for Climate Justice. This event brings together associations, collectives of activists and academics to share actions, knowledge and experiences, to build strategies, and to get to know the different activist struggles that are part of the fight for climate justice. The Artcitizenship project, of CICS.NOVA, integrated the organization of this event.

Find more information about the event and the organizing associations here.


CICS.NOVA promotes a series of seminars entitled "Housing: the law and the market". The first seminar of this cycle was held on 6 December 2019, was dedicated to "The Basic Law of Housing: from the community to decision-makers". This seminar will be dedicated to the Basic Law of Housing, with a presentation by Helena Roseta, promoter of the initial project, and interventions by Claudio Monteiro, Gonçalo Antunes and Sandra Marques Pereira.

Find more information on this cycle of events here.

Following the centenary of Vitorino Magalhães Coutinho and the donation of his personal library to NOVA FCSH, the I&D Documentation Center was named after him and the inauguration ceremony took place on December 3 showing the exhibition "Vitorino Magalhães Godinho 1918-2011: Um itinerário sem ilusões nem desistências" organized by the CICS.NOVA researcher David Justino.



CICS.NOVA participated in the 13th European Researchers' Night – 2018, developing the activity entitled “À descoberta do Património no Médio Tejo com o Banco de Recursos Educativos Digitais”, organized by the researcher Susana Gomes, within the framework of the project BRED: Programa de Visitas de Estudo - Práticas de aprendizagem integrada.

AML Collaborative Research Exhibition (held between January 29 and February 19, 2018) was organized to show to the community and the various partners - from museums to tour operators - the research carried out in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. This event reflects the research in social and human sciences at NOVA FCSH and its connection to Greater Lisbon and was coordinated by Luís Baptista, Director and integrated researcher at CICS.NOVA.


CICS.NOVA researchers contributed with a set of courses to the NOVA FCSH Summer School in 2018: Análise de Conteúdo Assistida por Computador: Atlas.Ti e MaxQDA, by Sílvia AlmeidaAnálise de dados em Ciências Sociais com R, by Enrico BorghettoAplicações ArcGIS online – os Sistema de Informação Geográfica na Nuvem e Aplicações de SIG Municipais: Planeamento, Modelos de dados e Exploração, by Rui Pedro JuliãoArcGis - Introdução aos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica na Análise de Criminalidade, by Jorge FerreiraAs mulheres na sociedade, na cultura e na política nos últimos 40 anos, by Zília de Castro OsórioPolítica Marítima Integrada da UE e Crescimento Azul, by Regina Salvador. The NOVA FCSH Summer Schold is held annually between July and September.


CICS.NOVA participated in the Nova Science Day – 2018, that took place at the Rectorate of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa on September 10. The main goal of this meeting is to show and promote the research developed at NOVA and to open the University to the society, in order to get its feedback and ideas. Besides this, this event also intends to promote NOVA's Schools and Research Centres.



CICS.NOVA, in partnership with AMONET and CLEPUL, participated in the 10th European Researchers' Night – 2015, developing the activity entitled “As cientistas apresentam-se!”, organized by the researcher Isabel Lousada.